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» Makiyo's GM APP.
brenDURR's GM application :} I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 6:34 pm by brenDURR

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 brenDURR's GM application :}

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brenDURR's GM application :} Empty
PostSubject: brenDURR's GM application :}   brenDURR's GM application :} I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 6:33 am

Why hello thar' :}
I know GM applications are closed, but I'm always going to try. I'm not going to give up : )
- "Always persevere"
Before you even consider me, you'd probably like to know me
Here are the basics:
My name is Brenda,
and I'm 16 years of age :} (17 in July Very Happy)
My ethnicity is Laos/Thai, but I speak english fluently.
I currently reside around the Toronto area, Ontario, Canada (EST time zone).
I'm on approximately... 8 hours everyday, now that summer has started.
I like to help people, to the best of my ability. I always answer questions, even if I don't know the answer. If I don't know the answer, I try to find out and then tell the person.
I would like to think of myself as silly, but mature when I need to be. I can be professional, when I have to be. Fun and out going when I should be. I consider myself to be quite social. I love to communicate with the other players in the server. We want to make MsNick the most fun place as possible, so throwing events and chatting can help achieve this goal .
I am able to carefully judge situations, without jumping to conclusions. I always carefully look at both sides of the story, and try to push my biased opinions aside. This way, we can try to prevent a mistake such as banning someone who wasn't supposed to be. Of course, I'm always ready to ban a hacker. They're never welcomed, but I'm careful enough to make sure that they are actually hacking.
I can host events when it is needed of me-I know there are a lot of GM's who can do this so, I"ll only do one when necessary.
I absolutely do not tolerate anyone who says crap about the server. If someone comes on the server, and starts talking crap about it I will quickly defend it. I think it's really dumb for them to even waste their time saying such negative things. Of course, I'll take the actions necessary if someone were to do that. I'd talk to them, ask them to stop. If they keep doing it, I'll continue giving them warnings that they will be jailed. If they decide to continue anyways, I will jail them. If they still are being rude, them I will ask for opinions from the other GM's, seeing if the person should be banned. If the answer is yes, then bye-bye harasser.
If it was a hacker though, I would carefully assess their actions (see if what they're doing is actually hacking). If it is, I would ban them. I would also take a few screenshots of them hacking before I ban them, just to confirm everything.
I always try my best to speak grammatically correctly, to the best of my knowledge Razz Whenever I actually do "tYp3 lyk3 dis", I'm not being serious Razz
Because of my qualifications, I think I would be suitible for a level 3 GM but it's always your choice. I know that level 3 GM's can do everything I'm fit to do, such as ban hackers, host events and of course, help people.
I've been playing Maplestory ever since it started, 3 or 4 years ago I believe? (well, 4 months after it started :S). I've started playing private servers since last summer, though and I must say they're really fun!
I've only been a GM in two servers-BrenMS (not my private server, so many people ask me this ;___; ) and VengenceMS (a more personal one made by a real life friend). BrenMS was shut down around last month and Vengence was shut down a long time ago. Simply because the owners didn't want to take care of it anymore.
I've already become familiar with many players on this server, and I have become their friends. They're all very fun and interesting people, and I'm glad I met them. I'm a very dedicated player, so I won't be going anywhere else anytime soon. If I do get chosen, you won't be let down. I'll do everything to the very best of my abilities. I don't know all the technical stuff (coding NPC's, etc) but I can always listen and learn. I can listen to players requests, suggestions, etc and I can see what I can so, within reason. I am almost always on the forums, because I believe that's one place players go for help. I like to put a lot of effort into everything I do, even a simple application like this. I take time to look over things, and make sure it's error free (or as much as possible). Even if I don't get picked now, I really hope you consider me in the future. I really love this server, it's amazingly fun!
Rebirths: 42 - kind of low.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my application! I know it was lengthy, but I hope it was worth it :3 Hope you consider me!
~ Brenda :3
My contact info: My email/MSN is

Last edited by brenDURR on Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: brenDURR's GM application :}   brenDURR's GM application :} I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 9:31 pm

Wow you went into a lot of detail but it was well worth it. I agree to this application.

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PostSubject: Re: brenDURR's GM application :}   brenDURR's GM application :} I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 7:26 am

good, but like allways! i don't understand -_-, anyway....

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brenDURR's GM application :} Empty
PostSubject: Re: brenDURR's GM application :}   brenDURR's GM application :} I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 9:40 am

[FA]Kikashi wrote:
good, but like allways! i don't understand -_-, anyway....


Lol, well I am using professional vocabulary. Since you probably don't know english that well... I guess that's why you don't understand it.
It's the type of thing I put on a job application (in real life) and yes, it does get me a job.
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brenDURR's GM application :} Empty
PostSubject: Re: brenDURR's GM application :}   brenDURR's GM application :} I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 2:16 pm

Nice Job brenda i think u put alot of time and effort into this theirs alot of extra stuff that shows how much u want to be a gm and how much dedicated u r to msnick
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PostSubject: Re: brenDURR's GM application :}   brenDURR's GM application :} I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 6:18 pm

Really brendurrr... try use a family english, then we can have a nice talk Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: brenDURR's GM application :}   brenDURR's GM application :} I_icon_minitime

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